Graduate students have a serious soft skills gap. They are simply ill-equipped to meet the needs of employers. “While technical skills are really important, the largest skills gap is really around soft skills … even technology roles are becoming more creative.” Mordy Golding, Linkedin Learning Director of Content “ Students also receive little or no distributed project teamwork experience. Yet “according to a 2016 Deloitte survey of 245 C-suite executives, 72% “of respondents see virtual teaming capabilities across cultures as becoming significant and normative in the next five years”
Client Showcase
“The Prelude Suite platform truly shines in its ability to effectively engage diverse members, from quietest introvert to the most gregarious extrovert, in the team building process, using accessible and empowering virtual experiences to accelerate the development of team culture.”
Andrew MacLean, Co-Founder HighTechU @ University of Victoria.

More Educator Testimonials
The Prelude Suite is an excellent way for new project teams to build trust, align on expectations, and facilitate collaboration. (It) encouraged the most relevant conversations at the right time, enabling common understanding of purpose, agreement on approach and accountability.” Dr. Alexander Zak, Graduate Program in Engineering Leadership, Jacobs School of Engineering and Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego
“Our school district recently transitioned to Microsoft Office 365 Education. This has allowed us to combine Microsoft Teams with the Prelude Suite, an experiential learning resource that fosters distributed team soft skills. Our principals and educators work across four schools on the campus. This is a natural fit between two highly complementary 21st Century tools. The Prelude Suite has allowed us to work individually and together in a way that encourages participation, reflection, and dialogue to further grow as a team. We are also very pleased that this resource can be used easily as well with student teams to develop the needed soft skills, digital skills, and creative skills for the future. Our school district has implemented the blended learning version for the past nine years with almost two thousand students. The feedback from administrators, teachers, and students has consistently been positive.” Dr. Renee Gordon, Perseus House Charter School of Excellence